WELCOME TO THE OPTIMIZATION DEMO Optimization algorithms search and find the minimum of a function using iteration. Depending on the function, a particular algorithm may converge faster than another. An algorithm may not converge at all in certain circumstances, where another will. This demo shows two methods : the Donovan-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) and the Powell. MENU OPTIONS ------------ File Menu: Select "Quit" to exit the Optimization Demo and return to the main IDL Demo screen. About Menu: Select "About optimization" for information about the Optimization Demo. FEATURES -------- <> button Select one of four different starting points. <> button Activated only after a starting point has been specified, the sequence will compute and display how the 2 algorithms find the minimum. <> button Reset the selected surface to display the four starting points on the initial surface. <> Displays the location of the minimum and the number of iterations that were necessary.